Our Friends, the Saudis

The Americans are not the only ones torturing their prisoners. CBS 60 Minutes had a glimpse of “Saudi Justice”:http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/05/06/60minutes/main615986.shtml this week.
bq. Why did the Government of Saudi Arabia frame seven westerners for a series of car bombings they didn’t commit? Those car bombings, which began in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, in November 2000, killed three members of the expatriate community and severely injured several others. To Western observers, they were clearly the work of Islamic fundamentalists. But the Saudis were not about to admit that. So five Britons, a Canadian and a Belgian found themselves arrested, systematically tortured into false confessions and eventually convicted of those bombings.
Moral Outrage Mr. Koffi Annan ?

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