I have been evaluating various PDAs for quite sometime and had settled on the Sony Clie TJ-35. I ogled for quite a while without actually buying the device till Sony withdrew it from the market and came out with three new devices. I decided not to waste anymore time and got myself the “Sony Clie TH55”:http://www.sonystyle.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/SY_DisplayProductInformation-Start;sid=y6bL-RdWzUfL3FcKeUDB8lhG9hLnF6qr1_k=?CategoryName=hp_Multimedia&ProductSKU=PEGTH55%2fU&Dept=hp
This device has a 320×480 high resolution display, a camera with 2x optical zoom, audio and video player and integrated Wi-Fi. Considering that I used to own a Palm III before this, it is like owning a Lexus RX after driving a Toyota Corolla.
Brighthand has the “review”:http://www.brighthand.com/article/Sony_Clie_TH55_Review?site=Palm of the TH55 and PalmZone has a “comparison”:http://www.palmzone.net/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=191 of TH55 and Palm T3. The best site for keeping track of Clie news is “ClieSource”:http://cliesource.com/
Software sources for the Palm are
* “Sonystyle”:http://sonyelectronics.sonystyle.com/micros/clie/software/index.html
* “Palm Gear”:http://palmgear.com/
another TH55 review: