Discarded Lies has a detailed analysis of the whole India, China, Kashmir, Pakistan, Osama scene and wonders why the United States treats a democratic India so badly.
Are we insane? Why are we now the only Security Council member refusing to support an Indian seat? It may be that China is manipulating us very skilfully, by having Pakistan escalate its demands so that we’ll continue to appease them and anger our more natural ally, India-while simultaneously buttering India up and patching over old tensions. Why is China suddenly India’s new best friend? Could it be that they realize Pakistan is a booby prize, to be used to harm our interests and then to be jettisoned?
Maybe it’s time to start treating Pakistan like a nonentity. Not like an enemy, we can’t afford that. But like the Palestinian Authority: a formless, largely fictional entity that is actually in the control of other forces, and not a real partner but the facade of one, deliberately designed to fool us into wasting large amounts of energy on irrelevant sideshows while malevolent forces gather. Pakistan and the Palestinian Authority are to sovereign government what shell corporations are to business. We appear to be taking Musharraf at face value, and it doesn’t seem very wise to me. [Discarded Lies: Pakistani Kashmir Escalation: China Playing Us For Patsies?]
Taking Musharraf at face value is never wise as he has been lying about everything and can betray anyone anytime. Even when it comes to America’s biggest enemy, he has been lying. But then people like Colin Powell are falling over for Musharraf and treating India insensitively. For America, dictators are always more charming than democracies.